ARHEVE works
for free and without ads

The ARHEVE project does not make money by displaying advertising banners and does not sell e-books, so it needs financial assistance from readers. We will be very grateful to you for any, even the smallest, amount that you are ready to send for the development of the project. Your donation will be used to expand the funds of the electronic library and improve the free mobile application.

You can help the project by making a transfer to our PayPal account:

Your patronage is an easy and popular way to support the ARHEVE project.

You can help the project by making a transfer to the PrivatBank card:
5169 3600 2882 3916

Bitcoin / BTC bc1qs7fcrujc6t9sft38gfm2z0h4662sf3jfxdrsd8
Ethereum / ETH 0x58E775C4488000f4C18beee3e1Eb4DdCe2A4dbf2
Tether / USDT TFET1yPmiTTx6vHjapCcuWhVbzc5KAUz2U

You can help the project by making a transfer to the MonoBank card:
5375 4112 0838 8129